Faisal Mohammed
4 min readMar 31, 2021

Loving and valuing yourself
Self-esteem is a person’s self-confidence, importance, and right to live happily
And strive to achieve his dream and reach the ladder of success

Your self-esteem is your self-confidence
And you think that you are able to succeed
And your positive feeling
It is inherent in your self-worth, dignity and respect as a human being
In the correct sense
That your positive feelings and thoughts reflect a positive attitude and feeling inside you , And it reflects on the outside of you with your actions
Always say yes, I can do that
I can reach success.
That it is important to increase self-esteem
It is the desire to take responsibility for your feelings and desires
And your thoughts and abilities
And your dreams, interests and goals
Acceptance of your overall strengths
And work to develop your weaknesses
Then act in proportion to all of them , The majority of cases of low self-esteem and self-esteem are caused by negative emotional reactions.
Some unsuccessful experiences, negative criticisms leveled at you, listening to and believing them, your surroundings, your closeness in your life, and those you trust
And they let you down one day
All of them cause anxiety and a feeling of low self-esteem.
And if you continue not to trust yourself
It becomes an ingrained habit,
Thus, low self-esteem becomes a habit in this person. When you go through a weak state and feel negative feelings and those negative illusions dominate you and translate them quickly to anger and offensive words and reflect them on those around you, whether your wife, children, family or friends are all a product of deceptive delusions that made you an incorrect image of yourself and those around you, drawing it to your higher self and the real thing One always wishes to be the best and behave more beautifully , Do not make the stress of natural, emotional, psychological or practical life a negative reflection on those around you. Estimate yourself permanently and be a believer in yourself, confident in your abilities and proud of what you have in order to draw yourself and control your behavior over those around you ، Make a new decision, start a new life, everything is possible
“Miracles are made out of one’s will and within a person” ، You are no longer that weak girl or weak boy
Which vibrates with a negative word
He says it either a spiteful or envious or an angry person ، When you choose yourself to love yourself, you will know how to reconcile with yourself
And accept yourself for its faults and positives
And improve your mistakes and accept your truth, whatever it is ، You feel satisfied and happy, and the stage of creativity, development and improvement begins
And others accept you
Words that you should always repeat to yourself
I trust myself ، I am able to see my place in this world realistically and with optimism
I trust in my abilities and flexibility to make positive change and face future challenges
I can understand my weaknesses and work on improving myself in the area of ​​these weaknesses. My knowledge of myself and my acceptance of this knowledge
I am able to know my distinctive personal qualities and take pride in all that enhances these qualities
My belief in my ability to do what I can do
And to have a positive outlook for the future
And write the available plans to reach my goals
Acceptance and satisfaction with what I am, Acceptance and satisfaction with what I am,
And that I have the courage and the strength to design
The way of my life the way I want and desire it. And always remember this ، Creative and creative ideas are of no value if they are not translated into reality in the form of visual outputs, so planning and creativity complement each other.Patience and enduring difficult circumstances will lead to the development of your personal skills
Developing yourself and reaching the state in which you feel good about yourself, your efforts and your accomplishments.Do not put an end or ceiling to your dreams and work on them all to turn them into a tangible reality and do not care about negative criticism or racial discrimination that you may face. Finally, the odds are the power stations
And the strength, challenge and determination to surpass it
Building steps are steady
Towards achieving dreams and clear goals from your confidence in God first and trust in Him secondly, then your confidence in yourself. No matter what the circumstances differ, adhering to the clear goal and insistence on achieving it and pursuing it will make it a reality one day.

Faisal Mohammed

Actor, Author, Writer, YouTuber, Content Creator and Motivational Stories, Success Lover